Little Ferry, New Jersey
20 River Ave. Little Ferry
NJ 07643
We are the SR1 Ocean Tribe chapter!
Our team consists of Captains and young adults who share a love for the ocean. We are always eager to create opportunities to get youth and families out on the water, whether is fishing, boating or participating in stewardship projects.
We are passionate about using the oceans and its related activities and resources to make positive changes to the youth, the society, and the world!
Ocean Hobby Seminar — Archive website to study Ocean Providence to your heart's content. HDH, seminars, articles, and more.
雑誌 海洋眞時代 (Japanese magazine) — 雑誌「海洋眞時代」は、海洋をテーマにした、最新ニュースから青年海洋教育、世界の観点から見た日本の海洋事情、世界の食料問題などを扱った教育誌です。特に若い世代の方に届けたいメッセージがたくさん込められています。
NOCP — Join the Ocean Challenge Program: "We empower future leaders to become true owners of God’s Creation through ocean based educational and experiential activities rooted in the teachings of Father and Mother Moon."